Thursday, August 11, 2011

Blame Househunters International

It's sometime in February. Ed and I are sitting on the couch watching Househunters International on HGTV. Morgan is napping and Dean is asleep in my arms. The episode takes place somewhere in Europe. "Wouldn't it be cool to liver somewhere else for a year or two?" we fantasize. We talk about how we miss traveling since the kids were born and how once they start school, then we'll really be tied down. It hits us that now that I've stopped working and Ed can work anywhere there's internet, there's really no excuse to hold us back.

"Let's do it. Let's move to Czech Republic." Ed blurts out. "Ok!" I say. And that was how it all started.

After researching the going rate of rental homes abroad, it occurs to us that we would kind of need Ed's income to do all this and he couldn't work from Europe with the time zones being so different. Hmmm. Guess we need to stay stateside. The fact is, we've lived in Bethesda, MD for over 10 years and besides college, never really lived anywhere else as an adult. We have family close by and just remodeled a house that we love, but the clock is ticking before Morgan starts kindergarten. If we are going to do this, it's got to be now, or else when we are empty nesters.

Just as you get intrigued about vacation destinations you hear people talk about, we have been intrigued about certain U.S. cities. I think over a dozen people have told me how great Austin is. So city #1 is established. The plan is to rent a furnished house so that we don't need to bring much with us. Clothes, toys, bikes and Ed's office equipment.

We have some ideas, but we'll figure out the rest of the itinerary when we get there.

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