Friday, October 21, 2011

No pretty picture for this update.

Ugh. Sorry it's been a while since I've posted, but you'll be glad not to see any pictures accompanying this post. We managed to get hit by the stomach bug that's been going around. First, it was Dean, then Ed and few days later, then Morgan in the middle of the night. I managed to dodge the bullet but I honestly don't know how with the amount of puke and diarrhea diapers I've been cleaning up. The washing machine was on non-stop for 3 days between all the sheets, bedding, rugs and clothes that got puked on. After a night sleeping in Morgan's bed with a bucket between us, I felt like I had a hangover from the lack of sleep. It was especially hard seeing the little guys so sick, but they seemed to rebound faster than even Ed. Kids are so resilient. Anyways, everyone was better just in time for Ed's birthday on Wednesday. Uncle Steven will babysit this Saturday so Ed and I can have a nice dinner and toast to his birthday and our health.

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