Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Ho Ho Howdy

the aftermath

Well, Santa was able to suck in enough to fit down our 60's style chimney. Dean was the first to wake and while I was feeding him a bottle in the living room, Morgan woke up and pointed at the gifts with a big smile when he saw them. Thank you to all of Santa's elves who made this year special. The boys had sooooo many presents to open and Morgan wanted to play with each one after opening it (even the books)! Morgan was a good big brother and asked to open Dean's gifts, which surprised even me since he still had so many unopened ones for himself. Although Dean did not grasp what was going on, he liked touching all the new toys, wrapping paper and boxes, not to mention the constant entertainment. Now that Christmas is over, we are working on sharing all the toys. Not sure if Morgan will still be inviting Dean to play trains though as the train town is now more like a metropolis!

Ed cooked a yummy filet with crab imperial on Christmas Eve for just the four of us. After playing with all the new toys Christmas day, we headed out for Chinese for dinner with all the jews : ) It was a quiet Christmas this year without the extended family - we miss you everyone!

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