Monday, August 27, 2012

Greenville/Great Nana & "Great Daddy's" 65th Anniversary

Next stop was Greenville, NC to visit my mom, Tom and attend my grandparent's 65th wedding anniversary party (no, that's not a typo -- 65 years, can you believe it!) The boys got to go hiking with their Nana, go to the pool, and we even had a special project for Nana to help us with -- converting Morgan's sleep sac (which was shredded at the bottom from his feet poking through) into a blankie. Nana did a great job and we managed to get Morgan's approval. (Whew! since there was no going back!) Then on our last night, all the extended family came to town to raise a glass to my grandparents who happily celebrated their milestone anniversary. We spent an evening honoring their lives, their love and the lessons they've taught us. It really meant a lot to be there with them for such a special occasion.

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