Wednesday, January 22, 2014

High School Reunion

Dave, Pat & Ed

As part of a belated 40th birthday celebration, Ed's high school friends Pat Chase and Dave Sicard came to visit for the long weekend, also with Dave's wife Stephanie and their 2 year old son Max. We had an eventful time taking them out, eating, eating, and eating and catching up. The guys stayed up way late every night, just like old times except their bodies didn't bounce back the next morning like old times : ) We also had fun with the kids taking them to Zilker Park to ride the Zephyr train, a scenic walk at the Botanical Gardens and live music at Strange Brew coffee. One night we had a sitter and were all able to go out to a nice restaurant. We also met up with Stephanie's brother Alex who lives in town. Everyone had fun and the time flew by - Ed and I both felt like we didn't do half the stuff we had planned, but at least all of us had a good time. Thanks Dave, Steph and Pat for making the trip out and it was great to see you guys!

Steph, Max & Alex

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