Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Darrian & Mark visit

Back in December I got a random text from my old ex-coworker Darrian asking if we'd be up for a visit in February. "Heck yea!" I had said. Long after our days at The Campbell Group, we would still hang out, although since moving to Texas, I had not seen her and her husband Mark in a few years. They had never even met Dean! Their visit finally took place this past weekend and when I picked them up and saw them jumping up and down and dancing outside the airport, I knew it would be just like old times, picking up where we left off.

The visit was great. I took them on a driving tour around town and then out to lunch at Elizabeth's vietnamese cafe. They stayed at the Marriott downtown and did some sight seeing on their own before meeting up with us for dinner Friday night at Odd Duck. It was so good to see their familiar faces and laugh and catch up. Their visit was part of Darrian's New Year's Resolution to reconnect with old friends - like really connect, not via facebook - which I might add is one of the best resolutions I've heard of. As no visit to Austin is complete without, we ate A LOT including  Gourdough's donuts the next morning and then authentic BBQ at Saltlick in Driftwood for lunch. The sun finally came out that day and we also enjoyed the sights from the top of Mt. Bonnell. They checked out the flagship Whole Foods and then we regrouped after dinner to bar hop on Rainey St. where there was corn hole and hoola hooping and ping pong, oh my!

Thank you Darrian and Mark for making to trek out and please know the door is always open! It was so nice to spend time with you guys and reconnect. Keep up the resolution, Darrian : ) We miss you already!

Mark trying to look all bad ass. I think he
forgot he had a hoola hoop in his hand.

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