Monday, October 27, 2014

Halloween Preparedness

This weekend, we went to Barton Hill Farms for the annual corn maze, games and pumpkin patch. There were some new attractions this year, such as the John Deere tricycle race track, petting zoo and lasso training. Only in Texas. We started off well, checking out the sandbox/ship, jumping on the huge jumpy pillow, racing the tricycles, riding in the cow train, and picnicking in front of the live music. Then came the corn maze. In years past, it would take us about 20 mins to get through. This year, the hot afternoon sun beat down on us while we got split up (Dean with Ed and Morgan with myself) for close to 45 mins. Let's just say we got really lost this time : ) After that, we were pretty drained, so we sat to enjoy some snow cones and then picked pumpkins on the way out (notice the sweaty hair and red cheeks). No surprise that Dean fell asleep on the way home. The next day, the boys painted faces on the pumpkins. Dean's is the small one with the mustache and Morgan's has the big red eyes. Looking forward to trick or treating on Friday.

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