Thursday, January 7, 2016

The Road to Christmas

The same day Darren and Dad left, Lola flew in for a 2-week visit that included several "wintery" activities although it didn't feel anything Christmas-ish with temps in the 70's and 80's. First, we attended the control tower lighting at the old airport location at Mueller. There was a delivery of real snow but was so packed, it was more like ice. Our attempts at building a snowman were pretty pathetic, however Morgan was all too eager for a snowball fight.

One night we took Lola to the famous Oasis restaurant and watched the beautiful sunset. I don't think we've been there since we took my mom there years ago and, funnily enough, they sat us at the exact same table : ) After 4 years in Texas, Ed ended up getting his first pair of cowboy boots and the store next door after dinner.

We also made a few stops throughout the 2 weeks at Lola's new favorite ice cream place: Cow Tipping Creamery.

One weekend, we broke out all the Christmas decorations and the boys had fun helping me put the ole' fake tree together and hang ornaments.

Steve stopped in town during a business trip and challenged Morgan to another rib/sausage eating contest at Rudy's. Morgan won.


There was a school Winter Concert one evening for grades K-5.
Morgan did great singing with his class.

After Lola left, we continued with the Christmas-related activities like a trip to the Zilker Tree with friends.
Photo courtesy of Dean

On the last day of school, the kids had parties in their classrooms including crafts, treats, and holiday storytime. I was there to help with some craft activities and Purple Santa even paid a visit.

With school now out for the year, mommy filled the days with several play dates, "ninjabread" cookie making, fresh haircuts, and holiday light displays.

at the Wildflower Center with Bodhi & Soren
s'mores with Esteban, Elian and Mika
Light show at Mozar's Coffee. Next time we'll know to get there early.

We caught Santa on horseback twice this season!
pooped from all the activity : )

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