Tuesday, January 10, 2017

A Merry Maryland Christmas

We were able to spend Christmas with family in Maryland this year, bouncing from Lola & Papa Bobby's to Rich & Jill's and Marc & Donna's houses. We even got to see extended family that came to town, including 93 year old Mama Nena, and Tito Eddie. It was great to see cousins, and especially meet Lydia and Ryker for the first time - they both seem like such easy going babies! Before holiday time, we saw the train display and lights at Brookside Gardens, surprised Mariah with a dinner at Ledo's and of course a visit with Ed's family wouldn't be complete without a meal at New Fortune : )

we found a patch of snow in a parking lot!!
We spent Christmas Eve at Rich & Jill's house. Jill cooked a great prime rib dinner and the adults had a last minute white elephant exchange. Hannukah coincided with Christmas this year, so the kids got to light the menorah (and all week later with Poppy). Sweet Elana went to Five Below to pick up Hannukah gifts for Morgan and Dean so they would all have something to open. Then Rich read "T'was the Night Before Christmas" before all the kids went to bed (although it took a while until they actually slept).

Overnight, Morgan woke up at 3:00am and made enough noise to wake Owen. The two proceeded to divide all the presents under the tree by recipient before Aunt Jill came down and told them to go back to bed! They reluctantly did and were again the first to wake up, this time with Kyle. The big kids finished sorting the gifts and patiently waited about 2 hours until Dean woke up around 9:30. After waking Uncle Ed, the opening frenzy began. 6 kids + 4 adults = lots of gift wrap. It was fun to celebrate Lydia's first Christmas and see all the kids opening their presents.

the big kids waiting for the little ones to wake up...
they're finally up!

Later that day, we spent time at Marc and Donna's house with the family. Ryker was practicing his walking while the boys had fun hanging out with cousin Luke in his pad playing video games, hanging from hammocks and trying on his stilts he got for Christmas. It was great to catch up and see everyone - (love the beard, Marc)! It was funny swapping stay-at-home parenting woes with Marc : ) We miss you guys!

That night, it was dinner at Lola's with lots of guests including Mark & Jo, Ray & Christine and their kids. Again, it was chaos, but great to see everyone and hear what was new. Ed cooked the brisket we brought from Texas and we ate and talked and ate and talked the Filipino way. The week went by fast but it was fun. The boys didn't get their wish of snow this visit, but at least they got lots and lots of cousin time : )

Then it was good bye Maryland, hello St. John...

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