Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Final Countdown

With less than 2 weeks until we leave, we are trying to hit up those last places on our Austin bucket list. Recent faves were the Zilker Botanical Garden when Linda was in town -- it was much larger than I had expected with lots of interconnected trails throughout different types of gardens.

Then, this past weekend, it was hiking to Twin Falls within the Greenbelt. The trail itself is pretty rocky at times and about 8 miles one way, ending in Zilker Park. We hiked a different part of the trail a few weeks back, but wanted to check out the part along the creek bed, especially with all the recent rain. Morgan was a trooper and walked almost 4 miles (2 each way) but mom had to give him a piggy back ride for the last half mile. The weather was great and we stopped for a picnic to break up the hike. There was a swimming hole but the water had far too many rapids for the kids. Dean liked seeing it all from his perch on mom's back and/or dad's chest.

Then on Mother's Day we finally got to Deep Eddy, one of the large public pools here fed by natural springs. It was perfect for the kids -- a huge wading area the width of the pool so both kids could stand. The water was a little cool for Ed and Dean wasn't quite sure what to think so they walked the perimeter of the pool most of the time. Morgan didn't mind and walked as far out as he could. He and I played games and he actually let me near him this time : )

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