Friday, March 8, 2013

Road Trip to Dallas Aquarium

Ed had an overnight work training in Dallas, so we decided to just all came along for the ride. While he was in training all day, I took the kids to the Dallas Aquarium. It was really well done, and had a lot more animal species that live outside the water as well. The boys enjoyed finding out some animals they've only seen in books, like crocodiles, snakes and sharks. Dean's favorite was the Manatee (which Morgan nicknamed "ManaDean"), while Morgan liked the snake, penguins and sea turtles. At one point in the museum, we just layed in front of the big fish tank, watching them go back and forth. My personal favorite were the flashlight fish whose eyes actually glow in the dark and you can see when they blink, as well as the anteaters who I had never seen before. How do they get that huge on a diet of just ants???

That's a crocodile floating in the water on their right
Look, it's a ManaDean!
Dean checking out the penguins
The boys were also just so excited about staying in a hotel. They loved riding on the luggage cart, pushing the elevator buttons, playing hide and go seek in the room, and going downstairs in their pajamas to eat breakfast. I had brought toys but never unpacked them as the hotel room was novel enough to entertain for hours.

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