Saturday, June 1, 2013

Strawberry & Blackberry picking at Sweet Berry Farm

I took the boys to Sweet Berry Farm in Marble Falls, (about 1 hour away), to pick strawberries and blackberries. I hadn't done it since I was a little girl so it was fun for me as well. The boys were really into it, getting so excited every time they found one: "Mommy, look at this one! Mommy look!" Dean had a hard time pulling them off - after a few times of pulling too hard and squishing them in his hand, he just wanted to find them and direct me to pull them all. Then it was a cacophony of Dean's "Mommy get this one!" with Morgan's "Mommy, look at this one!" Dean liked being the basket carrier, even though it meant sacrificing some berries from all the rough handling.

After berry picking, we jumped on the huge bouncy structure and checked out the goats before heading home. It was just yesterday that we went, but all the berries are already gone : )

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