Saturday, December 28, 2013

All I want for Christmas is a Trampoline

We headed down to the Zilker Christmas Tree one cold night in mid-December. The boys enjoyed their ride in on a bike taxi - it was their first. We ended up staying as long as the hot cocoa lasted and while Santa was not there, the boys were able to stand under the tree and look up to tell him what they wanted. Apparently, the Zilker Tree is a giant megaphone-like portal that sends their words straight to the North Pole. The boys asked for a handful of things, one of which was a trampoline. The next morning, there was a letter from Santa by the fireplace that told the boys there was one gift they had asked for that was too big to fit on his sleigh. He told them to look in the garage and lo and behold, we found a trampoline in there. Well, the parts at least. The letter said Mommy and Daddy would have to assemble. * Coincidentally * later that day, we were having friends over, so we thankfully enlisted help to put it all together. 4 hours and 4 sore adults later, the trampoline was operational. Since then, the boys have been using it in spurts. Dean was tentative at first, only going in if mommy or daddy was with him, but now he's got the hang of it, jumping with high knees and loud giggles.

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