Wednesday, December 11, 2013

We're in! (huge sigh...)

We've been getting settled in the house among all the chaos. As it turned out, we ended up being in the new house for 5 days before our first guests arrived: Lola and Mama Tisset stayed with us for 2 weeks and were a big help watching the kids while Ed and I escaped on our previously planned vacation to Maui for 6 days for his 40th bday. The boys had fun with Lola and Mama Tisset, even though they got sick and even Lola was under the weather. They didn't even seem that excited when Ed and I finally returned! A few days later, Bobby and Siiri joined us for Thanksgiving. We even had our first fire in the oven : ) Too bad the marshmellows were sacrificed, but the sweet potatoes survived unscathed.

No those aren't pjs, they are Hawaiian shirts & shorts from our trip : )

We were able to do some fun things with Lola, Bobby and Tisset before they left town, like shopping, going out to eat and they went out two stepping. Lola even got a pair of cowboy boots!

Since they've left, I've been busy unpacking all our things we haven't seen in 2 years. It's been kinda fun rediscovering our belongings and seeing old photos. The boys have adjusted great, sleeping through the night right off the bat and we just feel so thankful to be in our new home. The landscaping has begun on the backyard and should be done next week.

So bear with me as I catch up on the blog and get settled in...

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