Thursday, March 31, 2016

March Madness

March was a very eventful month for us Pelaez'. Turns out Morgan had a hairline fracture on his leg bone, so it was a good thing he wore the boot for a few weeks. The bone naturally healed itself by building up calcium over the fracture, and he's back to his normal self with only a few limitations but at least the pain has subsided. He also lost both top front teeth in one day so has a new smile to sport! Dean finished his basketball league and then both both boys started up with tennis.

Who would want to play against this intimidating team???
Same bone - original on R, more recent on L shows bone growth on the outer side
Look, ma, no teeth!
Morgan & Savannah in the same tennis class
random photo from a Dean and mommy date
Having sold our home in Maryland, we turned around and got a condo in Horseshoe Bay, and have already spent 2 long weekends there this month. First was during Spring Break, where we also spent a couple of days at the Great Wolf Lodge (a.k.a. Vegas for Kids) in Dallas. Morgan loved the big slides while Dean was more content to hang in the hot tub. But I think the highlight for them was when they both won big at the arcade, winning over 1,000 tickets each! Morgan picked out a dragon with his winnings while Dean picked a rainbow snake : ) They both loved the place though and upon check-out, Dean wrote a sad, sad, story about how departing left him feeling like "a beaver leaving it's house forever or a homeless person with just $1 or like dying." Whoa, guess he liked it : )

Spring Break:

Downtown Grapevine, TX
super excited to check-in at the Great Wolf Lodge 
Playing the infamous game that won them thousands (of tickets, that is)
checking out the train display at the Gaylord Grapevine

Then, off the Horseshoe Bay for 4 days:

riding the golf cart trolley

visiting the macaw that waves back
visiting the dancing bird
Did someone say s'mores???

Our Spring Break also coincided with Jackie's, who came to Austin to volunteer for SXSW so we got to spend a little time with her too in between her gigs.

For Easter weekend, the Grodeks joined us for another weekend at Horseshoe Bay where the kids bunked together and enjoyed the pools, beach, Easter festivities (oops for missing the egg hunt by 1 minute, but at least there were other things to do) and annual Hot Air Balloon Festival.

This is what happens when you let the kids sit at their own table: donuts, hot chocolate and peach pie for breakfast!
on the way to the egg hunt with empty baskets
sorry, you just missed it! All the eggs were gone in 60 secs : (
"Oh but kids, look, there's a petting zoo!"

What candy we missed was quickly replaced by cotton candy

Balloons Over Horseshoe Bay Festival
the balloon that almost fell on us
that's a balloon "burn" behind us
Lead singer from LIVE performed, well, live. 
Since Sunday was actual Easter, looks like the bunny filled their baskets after all

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