Thursday, May 5, 2016

April Adventures Part I

It's been a very active April - kicking off with yet another weekend at Horseshoe Bay (gotta get out time in before we enter the rental pool!) This time, we explored a little more of the town and found some cute shops downtown. The fudge shop is becoming a favorite of the kids of course. We also rented some fishing poles and took a stab at some fishing. Even though we didn't catch a full fish (lots of nibbles), the kids amazingly didn't loose interest and Dean was especially into the worms, constantly picking them up and playing with them. Looks like we need to get our own rods... 

That same weekend at Horseshoe Bay, the #1 winningest Men's Tennis Doubles team, The Bryan Brothers, just happened to be playing in a ProAm so we of course had to stop by. It was awesome to see them in such an intimate setting. Morgan and Dean had seen them on TV, but were not phased at standing 2 feet from them and proceeded to ask when it was over not even halfway through the first set. Although we couldn't stay long, it was great to see them hit in person!

Mike and Bob Bryan intro - check out how close Dean is!

Less than a year after his first Emergency Room visit, Dean went and got a cut on his head again - this time on the playground (no one's exactly sure what happened, but he hit it with enough force to suffer a minor concussion). He checked out ok, not requiring any staples this time, but he's still been having headaches off and on since the incident. He was throwing up and groggy immediately after the incident, but was back to his silly self an hour later. Somebody get the kid a helmet!

And here's a great out take of our curious Dean, oh how he makes us laugh on a daily basis. 

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