Thursday, June 23, 2016


Summertime is in full swing! We started off our summer with playdates with friends including a hike with Bodhi & Soren, McKinney Falls with one of Dean's classmates, and a splash pad with one of Morgan's new friends from camp.

First, it was a reunion of Morgan with his old Pre-K buddies who hugged each other when they first saw one another in the parking lot. We packed a picnic lunch and took a hike to St. Edwards Park, which featured a shallow creek perfect for cooling off and splashing around. It was great to get together with old friends and despite the heat, the boys didn't want leave.

Next, Dean and I had a play date with one of his Kindergarten friends at McKinney Falls State Park. I couldn't believe we'd never been here before! I had heard of it but didn't realize how close it was, not far from the airport. It had tons of trails and a much larger body of water for swimming, but a stronger current. It was too hot for hiking, so we opted to stay in the clear refreshing waters, but didn't dare go past knee deep after spotting a small water moccasin 10 feet from where we were wading in the water. (We quickly moved to a different spot and I was on the lookout the whole rest of the time. Luckily we made it out without incident). : ) Dean had fun building rock cities with his friend, skipping rocks and watching leaves float downstream.

We've also taken snow cone outings, seen "Finding Dory" at the movies, found new books at the library, gone bike/scooting/walking around the neighborhood including a stop at our neighbors with  pygmy goats "Thelma" and "Louise", seen a bird show, and, as I write this, the boys are camping out in living room forts. (Let's see if that lasts the night)!!!

Riding at Becker

"Birds of Prey" show at the library where Morgan and Dean got a close look at falcons, owls and a hawk!

Thanks Poppy for the books!
UPDATE ON THE LIVING ROOM CAMPING: It's actually been quiet in there for the past 20 mins so I'm hoping for the best!!!

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