Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Weekend with Poppy / Happy Birthday Dean!

Poppy was able to come visit that included lots of hanging out, Morgan's final soccer game and the much anticipated Pirate birthday party for Dean who turned 6.

On a misty Saturday morning, Morgan's team tied 1-1 against an undefeated team to culminate a very successful and enjoyable soccer season. He was grinning ear to ear when he was awarded his medal and already wants to play next year. We're proud of you Morgan!

On Sunday, we lucked out with perfect Fall weather and headed out to Barton Hills Farms for the big Pirate Party. It was fairly empty on the farm, so the kids had free reign on the tractor rides, tike trikes, fortress, bouncy pillow, tire roll, and of course the pirate ship. After birthday cupcakes, the kids ventured into the corn maze in search of treasure and found it after they made it out - only it was above ground. Like hovering above ground in the form of a piƱata. Dean and his mateys had a fun and exhausting day with all the activities. But he wasn't too tired to open presents when he got home of course : ) Thanks for all who came and/or sent gifts - you really made his day!


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