Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Music Makers & Miscellaneous

These boys have now been taking lessons at Band Aid for 3.5 months: Morgan on piano and Dean on guitar. While they aren't keen on practicing, they are learning and made some huge steps performing in public these past few weeks - I am so proud! First, they had their 2nd and more polished performance class at the end of April. Both boys did awesome and seemed great onstage. Morgan said he was "nervous and excited at the same time" : ) Dean was rockin' a duo with his instructor Chris:

On May 6, (Morgan's birthday), they had their performances at a Beer Garden & Restaurant, ABGB. There was an indoor stage and a room full of tables filled with patrons eating and drinking. Morgan sat himself in the 1st row for the performers (this was opposite to both performance shows where he wanted to sit the furthest in the back and hence, go last). I was wowed as he calmly told me, "It's that girl's turn and then I'm up" - he seemed calm and excited. When it was his turn to get on stage, his teacher Kelli announced to the whole restaurant that it was his birthday and everyone sang. He was all smiles. He then did an awesome job playing "Seven Nation Army" while his teacher sang. I was truly impressed!

Dean went a couple people later and calmly sang his "A Thousand Times" song while playing on stage. He seemed totally comfortable up there and his teacher Mrs. Garcia even came out to see him! Dad and girlfriend Melody were also lucky enough to witness the performances : )

We were so proud of both of them - it was a big first to do something like that and they nailed it. Guess we'll stick with the music lessons for now. As a reward for their efforts, we got them tickets to Hamilton Leithauser who was playing in town (the singer of Dean's A Thousand Times song). It was a treat we let them stay up for. Dean loved it while Morgan admitted afterwards that concerts aren't really his thing and that it didn't even feel like a reward. Oh well, we tried. But at least we got to hear "A Thousand Times" live - and man, he was even better in person!

Other than music, here are some silly moments from the past few weeks:

Be sure to check out this video I found on my phone after Dean was playing with it (in the dryer, yes). Make sure to listen all the way to the end of the video : )

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