Sunday, October 7, 2012

Hamilton Pool

 This weekend we visited Hamilton Pool, a natural pool created from a collapsed grotto in the Texas hill country. Although the weather was nice, we didn't go in the water, but did plenty of hiking and enjoyed the view instead. There was hardly anyone there, which was a contrast to the last time we tried to go when we were turned away due to the 2 hour wait to get in (they limit the number of people that come). We followed the trail that went all around the pool, including under the overhang and waterfall, then took the river trail for a half mile before turning around. This was our first hike with Dean OUT of the carrier and it was pretty rocky, so a challenge for Dean, but he did good. He kept saying "rocky" and "big step" and pushing away our hand when we tried to hold his, the big independent boy... It was a spectacular view, my favorite hike since we've been here and worth the 40 minute drive to get there. Next time we'll have to bring a picnic and our bathing suits!

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