Thursday, April 11, 2013


And that is how it started. After breakfast at Uncle Rich and Aunt Jill's house, the kids discovered this letter left behind by the Easter Bunny. Owen and Morgan read it to everyone, then they were off to find their eggs and even helped each other out if they found someone else's color. After all the eggs had been collected, they worked together to look for the coveted golden egg. They were so excited and giddy when they found it in the bird feeder. The clue inside led them to the wagon in the garage where yet another golden egg containing a clue led them to the porch swing where goodies awaited for all (thank goodness Owen didn't open the bag when he found it prematurely)! Everyone rushed inside to see what was in their eggs while Lola hid round 2 in the new screened in porch. This time, it was a free for all and these eggs jingled with change. It was so cute to see the cousins all working together and so excited about the hunt. Thanks for visiting, Easter Bunny!

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