Friday, April 19, 2013

The Many Faces of Dean/Morgan the Artist

These boys are changing so fast. Dean cracks us up with his many expressions and happy attitude (with the exception of when he's in a tantrum, back arched and falling to the floor in a heap). He can now say his ABC's on his own, but the numbers are still in progress. He likes to say them wrong on purpose to get a laugh. I definitely see a future class clown in him. He is officially a big boy - no more crib, high chair, or even naps. He and Morgan have been getting along better and better and are still sleeping together at night. Morgan has expanded his drawing from roads and towns to mazes, cars and animals. We got him a maze book for the plane to/from Maryland and he was obsessed with drawing them and making Ed and I go into all the dead ends. Like his towns, the mazes are becoming more and more intricate. You can see his little engineering mind at work on the page. He loves to spend time at the art table and we are going through a lot of paper and markers...


bumble bee

Nigel the turtle


I like the red "Danger" sign on the left : )

F1 track with race cars

car transporter

tow truck

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