Thursday, August 15, 2013

Debbie & Bryan's Wedding in Ft. Collins, Colorado

During our stay in Maryland, my good high school friend Debbie was getting married in Ft. Collins, Colorado. Luckily, Ed had help with the kids with me gone for the weekend. Let me first just say that this is the wedding invitation that I got back in June that stated "blah blah blah... ceremony to be followed by rafting down the Poudre River. Reception to follow." I did not really know what to expect other than that sounded SOOO Debbie : ) Packing was another question...

After getting in late on Friday, my other high school friend Sarah and I walked around Ft. Collins and had brunch. It was a cute college town with a very laid back feel. Lots of breweries and restaurants and very walkable. After a few hours, it was about time to get ready for the wedding. We met Bryan's parents in the lobby who were kind enough to drive us to the ceremony at the Mishawaka Ampitheater. It was a beautiful day, but when we arrived the wedding had been set up inside of the dark bar despite confirmed arrangements to have it outside overlooking the river. Bryan's parents talked to the staff who explained the Indigo Girls who would be playing later that night needed to do their sound check. About that time, Debbie and Bryan arrived and Debbie was in tears when she saw what was going on. This being our first time seeing her, Sarah and I instantly went into "friend" mode and corralled her into the bathroom. I went to check on the status and overheard the Indigo Girls' Production Manager saying that they didn't car what happened before 3:00. It was 2:15. So guests scurried to move the chairs outside and I ran to the bathroom to tell Debbie to get in her dress fast! Thankfully, it all worked out and the ceremony was beautiful. Bryan came in on a raft (he is a rafting guide after all) and in full traditional Scottish garb (just because he liked it, not because he's Scottish : ). DJ looked beautiful in her floor-length gown. I had to admit the dress surprised me considering she's not a traditional girl : ) Drummers and kazoos played while her dad escorted her down the aisle (see video).


After the ceremony, there was a toast before Debbie and Bryan walked down to the raft marked with a "Just Married" sign and floated down the Poudre River. (Really just around the other side of the restaurant, and then most of the guests got changed while Debbie and Bryan stayed in their wedding clothes and we all hopped on a bus to start rafting further down the river). For as sunny as it was at the reception, the clouds came in and the temperature dropped about 15 degrees for the 1.5 hr rafting journey. Good thing we had beer and adrenaline to keep us warm : ) A few people fell out at the class 4 section, one of which was Sarah, but it was smiles the whole way and we were glad we did it despite being tentative in the beginning. When in Rome, right?

paddle high-five!
grand exit
Debbie even wore her veil under her helmet!
the rafting drop-off point

On the way to the reception, we found out that there had been a tornado 20 miles away and a storm which explained the temperature drop. During the bus drive, we saw a fat rainbow off in the distance.

rainbow on the way to the reception
reception at the rafting company where Bryan works
view at reception
Mr. & Mrs. Holman!
woo hoo!
Sarah & Debbie's sister Amy
thank you whoever let me borrow their fleece! It was so cold!
the volleyball dance floor
At the reception, we danced and drank lots of local beer. It was a great reunion and it was so nice to see Debbie in her element. Ft. Collins really suits her and she seems so happy with Bryan and her life there.

The next morning, there was a brunch before I caught a ride to the airport with Bryan's parents. Thanks Debbie and Bryan for a great time, I'm so happy I was able to share it with you!

scenery on drive to airport

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