Monday, August 12, 2013

Summer Chapter 3: The Clarksburg Inn & Ocean City, MD

Straight from the Outer Banks, we headed to Rich and Jill's in Clarksburg for the next week. The boys were so excited to see their cousins and play with their basement full of toys. It was like Christmas all over again. Steve and Jenna and their kids were also on the East Coast for a few weeks, so we got to see them, as well as Linda and Bobby. Among all the family visits, we also tried to fit in some time with friends and were happy to see Erin Sarro who drove up from Richmond, Molly, The Hadlocks and The Sicards. I wish we had had a chance to see everyone but between doctor appointments and tying up loose ends at our Bethesda home, the 3 weeks went by fast! Thank you Rich and Jill for your hospitality and tolerance with our mess-making kids!

With all her children in town, Linda wanted us to share a beach house too, so a last minute vacation was planned for Ocean City, MD. We stayed in a beachfront condo and were a short drive from Rehoboth, DE where we found "Funland" an amusement park geared toward smaller kids. Owen said it was the best day of his whole life. It was so popular with the kids that we went later in the week too, so I guess Owen lucked out with a repeat best day of his life. Besides Funland, we went putt-putting (thank God we were the only ones there as the kids pretty much spread out and took over the place), go karting, swimming at the waterpark, kite flying, and ditch diggin on the beach. Ed and I even got in some tennis! At night, we played Bananagrams, charades and Catch Phrase. The kids had a good time, but Dean's attachment to me hit an all-time high, with him climbing into bed with us every night around midnight, and then following me around during the day. I couldn't even go to the bathroom alone... After a particular bad night of sleep which included being kicked in the side and even slapped in the face, I was angry with him. That is, until I awoke to him inches from my face, staring at my with his arm around me whispering "together" over and over again. Ed said I had a stalker on my hands.
Navigating Rehoboth
Welcome to Funland
That pretty much sums up the Funland-induced exhaustion.
another day at the beach
Nothing like Maryland crabs

On our last day, The Petrucci's drove down from Pennsylvania to meet us for a day of fun in Bethany. It was great to see them and their two girls, Lydia and Violet. Violet liked to dance to Dean's singing and all of them had fun digging in the sand and splashing around. We even got in some paddle ball! Thanks Em and Dave for making the trek, it was so nice to see your faces!!!

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