Sunday, September 10, 2017

Summer-A-Thon Part I: San Francisco

 Ok, I know, I'm at least 2 months behind on this blog, so I'm going to try to piece together the best I can. In short, we were gone A LOT. In June, we spent a week visiting Ed's brother Steve and their family. Steve is recovering from a horrific accident and while I can't post any photos of him for legal reasons until his trial is finalized, I can post photos of the rest of it.

It was great to see his progress, even while we were there, especially for Ed, who had seen Steve last when he was in the ICU fighting for his life. The kids really took it well, absorbing the enormity of the situation and how different Uncle Steve was. We were able to spend Father's Day with him where he spoke for the first time since getting his trach out - it was truly a special moment and I'm so glad we were there for it! Ed also got him to play tic-tac-toe for the first time : )

We also got to be there for Aria's graduation from elementary school. I know she was bummed her dad couldn't be there, so I'm glad we could come. Cousins Grace and Dane were also around a lot and it was good to spend some time with them - they have done so much as they are the closest family in San Francisco.

There was one half day where we snuck out to do some touristy stuff - Lombard St, a trolley ride, the Fisherman's Wharf and Ghiradelli. Our friend Traci was also kind enough to stay at her place for some of the time and it was great to catch up with her. But most of the time, we crashed at Jenna & Steve's house and made multiple trips/day to the rehab center to visit Steve. Keep up the good work, Steve!

Chez Pay baking
in front of Lombard St.
view from top of Lombard
Aria's graduation
at Aria's graduation lunch
when the Buddist monk came to visit
Steve playing tic-tac-toe (and winning!)

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