Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Summer-A-Thon Part III: North Carolina

After spending the night with Darren and Annie in Chapel Hill, all of us hit the road for the bi-annual McCullough/Prager/Pelaez beach week in Corolla, NC. It was great to see family members we haven't seen in a long time and for all the cousins to reconnect. We got lots of use out of the backyard pool and hot tub -- (glad we didn't find out that a nest of water moccasins lived under the deck until later in the week)!!! Our house overlooked the sound which offered beautiful views of the sunset most nights. Throughout the week, the kids went kayaking, played games, went to a water park, sledding on the sand dunes in Kitty Hawk, played putt-putt, go-kart racing, nighttime crab hunting and a ropes course, whew! Not to mention lots of play time with cousins and even a kid talent show night! I got away for a massage with my mom and Ed and I played some tennis in preparation for our tournaments in Aug. We even got to play Chad and Jennifer -- you need new shoes next time Chad : )

Marc with his prize snake in tow
Talent Show time!

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